New Scholarship Opportunities by KIOS for the MSc program in Intelligent Critical Infrastructure Systems

The KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence (KIOS CoE) announces 5 Master-level Scholarships.

Interested candidates can apply under any of the following two scholarship schemes:

Tuition Scholarship: Includes 50% – 100% of the University tuition fees, depending on applicant qualifications.

Tuition & Employment Scholarship: On top of the tuition scholarship, it includes a gross monthly salary for employment at KIOS CoE in the range of €750 – €1100, depending on the monthly working hours. Employment contracts will be offered on an annual basis, which will be renewed for the duration of the MSc studies based on satisfactory annual performance evaluation.

Applications for scholarships should be submitted as soon as possible, but not later than Friday, 11 June 2021 at 5 pm. For more information visit the link: